Translating companies’ memorandum of association
Multinational companies operating in global markets are always looking for professional agencies to have their memorandum of association professionally translated in the official language of the intended country of their businesses. This type of legal documents is formulated in legal wording as an initial and basic part of the companies’ incorporation process. It is very important document for the establishment of any type of a company be it a shareholding, limited liability, Single person company or a private-limited company.

memorandum of association
If you are planning to establish a new business abroad, the first thing you need to do is to have your documents including the company’s memorandum of association translated officially, then proceed in the following steps to issue a trade license, commercial register, chamber of commerce & Industry, import license, …etc.
As an authorized and certified translation company in Kuwait , we will be more than happy to help you have your documents translated from and into Arabic, English, Turkish, Spanish, and Germen to best enable your finalize your transactions from the governmental authorities in the intended country of business.
Such memorandum of association shall include the fixed duration of the established company, the capital, shares of the shareholders, authorities of the partners and managers who will run the business, as well as it has to be published in the official gazette. All of the aforementioned shall be in accordance with the provisions of the governing laws in the intended country.
Any amendment that the founders desire to, shall be approved by the official bodies with regarding to the rules and regulations of the competent ministries such as Ministry of commerce & Industry and Ministry of Justice.
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memorandum of association in arabic
definition of memorandum of association